The Restaurant Meal Challenge

With 12 days remaining in our fundraising programme, we need anyone who feels strongly about stepping up and supporting our project – not to mention raising awareness about poverty, slavery and human abuses and atrocities – to do so now.

Red Earth has put a great deal of effort into making this happen and will have a lot more to do to make this documentary achieve its goal, but we cannot do that without a simple start-up of funds to get basics covered. The $13,500 we are trying to raise covers our costs for the production shoot but certainly doesn’t flatter our personal finances; we have cut down to the core of what we need to simply send ourselves into the centre of the action because we believe in this issue we are wanting to document. This tight budget means we will be choking our own personal living needs, but it is a sacrifice worth making as we know that by making this film, we are further raising awareness of this tragic blight on humanity.

Just to reiterate in case you don’t fully understand the fundraising website, Pozible, we are using: there is a time-limit to receive ALL the funds in our target. Should we not reach the entire total, NONE of the pledges will be automatically processed and we will be faced with the fact that the budget is already so tiny that we literally cannot make this project move forward without further funds. If funds become available after the 15th of April that would be good, but we will then have to try to manually collect previously pledged funds from our supporters, which will be difficult (especially for overseas pledges) and very time-consuming and effectively negates the reason for having our fundraising campaign with Pozible which is greatly streamlining the process.

So, our CHALLENGE TO YOU is: are you willing to make your own small personal sacrifice in the name of helping us expose an atrocity that all humans should be shocked and ashamed of? We call it the “Restaurant Meal Challenge” but it could just as easily be the “One Less Pack of Cigarettes Challenge” or the “Skip That Concert This Time Challenge” and so on. These are things that you may miss for a couple of days and then quickly forget come the next week. However, by putting that money towards our project instead of for your own short-term pleasure, you will not only propel us forward, you will be a permanent part of this film; a contributor to seeking out social justice and supporting the fight against slavery when it is at its worst than any other time in history.

Please make this small sacrifice and donate $25 or more to: